Thursday 26 September 2013


These delicious crumbly biscuits are popular in South America where they are sandwiched together with dulce de leche.  They are very similar to a Viennese whirl in texture but have a more distinctive vanilla flavour.  Having made them I think I would have liked them even more sandwiched together with buttercream and jam.  I used Nestle Caramel and found it was a little soft and the biscuits had to be placed carefully and balanced so they wouldn't slip apart.


  • 150g/5oz granulated sugar
  • 250g/90z salted butter, softened
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste
  • 250g/9oz plain flour
  • 90g/3.24oz cornflour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 250g/9oz dulce de leche or caramel
  • icing sugar
Line two baking sheets with baking paper
Cream the butter and sugar till light and fluffy
Beat in the egg and vanilla
Sift the flour, cornflour and baking powder over the butter mixture and mix together to a soft dough
Using lightly floured hands divide the mixture into sixteen evenly sized pieces

Roll each piece into a ball then flatten out to a disc and place onto the baking trays

Place the trays into the oven to chill for ten minutes and preheat your oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4
Bake for about fifteen minutes until pale and golden then remove to a wire rack to cool.

When cool sandwich matched pairs together with a tablespoon of dulce de leche and dust with icing sugar to serve.


Monday 2 September 2013

Oreo cookie ice cream

This has to be the easiest ice cream you can make.  There is no cooking involved, you don't need an ice cream maker and you don't even have to keep whisking the mix whilst it freezes.  If you're stuck for a dessert then just whisk some up the day before.  I served it with a simple chocolate sauce that I shall add the recipe for to the bottom.

  • Packet of Oreo cookies
  • 600ml whipping cream
  • regular tin of condensed milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste
Select a 1 litre container preferably with a sealable lid and chop your Oreos into quarters
Whisk the cream, condensed milk and vanilla paste in a large bowl using an electric whisk until it forms soft fluffy peaks
Fold in the chopped Oreos discarding any crumbs
Transfer to your container, cover and freeze for a good half a day or overnight
If freezing overnight remove from the freezer about 20 minutes before serving to soften up
And that is it!
  • 8oz plain chocolate
  • small carton of double cream
  • 3oz sugar (I used soft light brown)
  • 2 fl oz hot water
Place all the ingredients into a small saucepan and gently met together over a low heat stirring all the time till combined and glossy. 
Serve hot or allow to cool
If cooling then it nay be worth stirring from time to time to prevent a skin forming
This will go with anything that needs a chocolate sauce, hot or cold.