Tuesday 4 June 2013

White chocolate and raspberry cheesecake

So when are you entitled to call a recipe your own?  One food writer I read said that if you change any part of a recipe it becomes yours.  This indulgent cheesecake is a combination of parts from three different sources so I think under that criteria I can claim it as mine. 
Things made from white chocolate often don't really taste of it, they assume a generic creamy sweet vanilla taste but this one definitely works and it improves in flavour over a few days in the fridge if the leftovers last that long!



  • 300g bourbon biscuits
  • 50g dark chocolate, chopped
  • 50g soft butter
  • 300g white chocolate
  • 200g soft cheese like Philadelphia, at room temperature
  • 25g caster sugar
  • 500ml double cream
  • 150g raspberries
  • 150g caster sugar
  • 1 sheet of gelatine
Put all the base ingredients into a food processor and mix well.  Spread into the base of a 23cm loose bottomed or spring form tin and chill whilst you make the filling.  This makes a lovely smooth base with little chunks of chocolate in it.

Melt the white chocolate in your favoured fashion and allow to cool to tepid.
Beat together the cream cheese and sugar till smooth then stir in the cooled chocolate.
Whip the cream into very soft peaks then fold into the chocolate mix.
Spoon over the base, smooth the top and refrigerate for at least three hours or preferably overnight.
Meanwhile spread the raspberries and sugar over a baking tray and place in the oven till juice is released and the sugar starts to melt.
Pop into a bowl and blend to a jam like mixture.
Put the gelatine into a bowl of cold water for five minutes.  Remove and squeeze out any excess water then stir into the fruit mixture till dissolved.
When cool spread over the cold cheesecake mixture and return to the fridge.  It should set to a soft gel.
Take the cheesecake out of the fridge about fifteen minutes before serving.
I use a tin with a glass base that I can leave in place for ease of serving.

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