Monday 31 March 2014

Baileys Ice Cream Roll

If you like Baileys then this is a really easy ice cream dessert that looks impressive and harder than it actually is.

  • 300ml double cream
  • 200g good quality plain chocolate

  • 300ml double cream
  • 500ml fresh vanilla custard, chilled
  • 4 tbsp Baileys
Line a 23cm x 33cm swiss roll tin with foil and then baking paper
For the filling: Chop the chocolate.  Heat the cream in a saucepan until it is about to come to the boil.  Stir in the chocolate until it has melted and combined into a smooth mixture.
Allow to cool then place into the fridge to chill.  When it starts to thicken it is time to start the ice cream
Whip the cream in a large bowl until it just holds its shape
Whip in the custard and Baileys till thickened
Spread into the swiss roll tin then place in the freezer
When it is just frozen but not hard remove from the freezer and spread the chocolate mixture over the top

From one of the narrow ends carefully roll up into a roulade making sure that the paper doesn't get wrapped into the roll.  use the warmth of your hands to achieve a tight roll then wrap up well in the paper and foil and place back into the freezer for 5-6 hours

To serve, remove from the freezer to the fridge for half an hour to soften slightly then cut into slices.

Shepherd's Pie Dauphinois

Shepherd's pie, shepherd's pie, so good they ate it twice.  Apologies for the bad joke but this shepherd's pie was so good we had it two weeks in a row.  First time for lunch with new friends who pronounced it the best shepherd's pie ever and then for ten at Mother's Day lunch.  I decided to try this recipe because I love shepherd's pie but my youngest hates mashed potato and this one has a Dauphinois potato topping instead.  You can prepare the meat part up to a day in advance if you're pressed for time on the day.


  • 900g minced lamb
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 2 large carrots, finely diced
  • 45g plain flour
  • 300ml red wine
  • 300ml beef stock
  • 1 tbsp Worcester sauce
  • 1 tbsp tomato puree
  • dash of gravy browning
  • salt and pepper

  • 900g floury potatoes
  • 150ml double cream
  • 100g grated cheddar cheese
Preheat your oven to 140C/325F/Gas 3
Fry the lamb mince, onions and carrots over a high heat until the meat is all browned
Drain away any fat
Stir in the flour
Over a high heat add the wine, stock, tomato puree and gravy browning and stir well until combined then bring to the boil
Season and add to an ovenproof casserole then cover and cook in the oven for an hour to an hour and a half or until the mince is tender.

Set the meat aside to cool
Slice the potatoes into 3mm slices and cook in boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes
Drain and refresh under cold water and allow to dry

Place a layer of half of the potatoes over the meat mixture, season well them pour over half of the cream
Arrange the rest of the potatoes in another layer, pour over the remaining cream and top with grated cheese
Bake in the oven at 200c/425F/Gas 6 for 30-45 minutes till cooked and the cheese is nicely browned
Serve with green vegetables like peas or beans

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Chicken with pesto, Taleggio and roasted tomatoes

Seldom do I make a recipe so soon after cutting it out of a magazine but my lovely wife was so taken with this recipe in the You magazine that I made if for a dinner party six days later and it went down so well that I made it again for Sunday lunch a week after that.
Taleggio is a soft Italian cheese that is available in supermarkets.  It smells a little pungent to start with but that cooks out and it then tasted wonderful in this dish.  If you can't find it there are alternatives like Fontina, just Google it. 
Once prepared this dish cooks in just 30 minutes and be careful not to cook it because at this time the chicken will be soft and moist.  Make sure your guests know what time it is hitting the table!
This is one of those dishes that tastes great the next day too as the flavours merge beautifully when it cooks.  I defy you not to scrape out the serving dish at the end of the meal.
I served it with crushed roast new potatoes and steamed sugar snap peas.
  • 6 skinless boneless chicken breasts
  • salt and pepper
  • 175g Taleggio cheese (straight from the fridge) cut into small cubes
  • 3 tbsp. pesto
  • 3 tbsp. cream cheese ( I used Philadelphia)
  • 50g fresh breadcrumbs
  • paprika
  • 400g cherry tomatoes on the vine
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
Preheat your oven to 220C/435F/Gas 7
Arrange the chicken breasts in a single layer in an ovenproof roasting dish and season with salt and pepper
In a bowl mix together the Taleggio, pesto and cream cheese
Spoon this mixture onto the chicken breasts to cover them completely.
Sprinkle with the breadcrumbs and a little paprika

Arrange the tomatoes around the chicken
Mix together the oil and vinegar and pour over the tomatoes
Roast for 30 minutes and serve each guest a chicken breast with a few tomatoes and a little of the juices poured over the top.