Monday 31 March 2014

Shepherd's Pie Dauphinois

Shepherd's pie, shepherd's pie, so good they ate it twice.  Apologies for the bad joke but this shepherd's pie was so good we had it two weeks in a row.  First time for lunch with new friends who pronounced it the best shepherd's pie ever and then for ten at Mother's Day lunch.  I decided to try this recipe because I love shepherd's pie but my youngest hates mashed potato and this one has a Dauphinois potato topping instead.  You can prepare the meat part up to a day in advance if you're pressed for time on the day.


  • 900g minced lamb
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 2 large carrots, finely diced
  • 45g plain flour
  • 300ml red wine
  • 300ml beef stock
  • 1 tbsp Worcester sauce
  • 1 tbsp tomato puree
  • dash of gravy browning
  • salt and pepper

  • 900g floury potatoes
  • 150ml double cream
  • 100g grated cheddar cheese
Preheat your oven to 140C/325F/Gas 3
Fry the lamb mince, onions and carrots over a high heat until the meat is all browned
Drain away any fat
Stir in the flour
Over a high heat add the wine, stock, tomato puree and gravy browning and stir well until combined then bring to the boil
Season and add to an ovenproof casserole then cover and cook in the oven for an hour to an hour and a half or until the mince is tender.

Set the meat aside to cool
Slice the potatoes into 3mm slices and cook in boiling salted water for 4-5 minutes
Drain and refresh under cold water and allow to dry

Place a layer of half of the potatoes over the meat mixture, season well them pour over half of the cream
Arrange the rest of the potatoes in another layer, pour over the remaining cream and top with grated cheese
Bake in the oven at 200c/425F/Gas 6 for 30-45 minutes till cooked and the cheese is nicely browned
Serve with green vegetables like peas or beans

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