Friday 9 August 2013

Cinnamon Bread

This is a recipe I found on another blog from across the pond and have translated into English measures for you.  The original recipe made two loafs so I have also halved it here.  It is simplicity itself as it isn't really a bread at all but a cake made in a loaf tin.  It is also very sweet but cinnamon needs sweetening so no complaints here.  This really does need to cool in the tin as the sugar makes it quite fragile and it needs to solidify a bit.  I also found that the top rose to a crust then dropped a bit when cool, it didn't affect the taste and as in most cases the crust is the best bit.  


  • 4oz butter, softened
  • 8oz sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 284ml pot of buttermilk
  • 8oz self raising flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 6oz sugar mixed in a bowl with 1 tsp cinnamon
Preheat your oven to 350F/180C/Gas 4
Butter a loaf tin generously or use a tin liner
Cream the butter and sugar then beat in the egg
Add the flour and baking powder alternatively with the buttermilk
Spoon half of the mixture into your tin then sprinkle 3/4 of the sugar and cinnamon mix over the top
Spoon in the rest of the cake mix and top with the remaining sugar mix
Swirl the mixture with a knife or the handle of your spoon

Bake for an hour or until a tester comes out clean.  Our American cousins seem to favour a toothpick but I use a skewer.
Allow to cool in the tin for at least half an hour before you turn it out.
It will be quite fragile!

In this last picture you see where the top has dipped in the middle.  Rest assured it made no difference to the taste.

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