Thursday 18 April 2013

Milk and sugar muffins

Doesn't everybody love a muffin?  Here's a recipe that was published in the You magazine last week that I've just made.  Don't be put off by the amount of coffee in this, you can't taste it in the finished item and I don't even like the stuff.  Sadly you can't taste the coconut either, what you get is a really soft sweet muffin with a taste of its own.  This is a really easy recipe that takes about ten minutes to make.  If you've got a bowl with a pouring lip like the ones Marks and Spencer sell then use it, filling up the paper cases was fiddly as this is quite a wet mixture and I got it all over the top of the baking tin.  Obviously if you can't get espresso just make some strong black instant and as with all recipes you can substitute white caster sugar for golden etc.

  • 80ml milk
  • 100ml cold espresso (2 espresso cups or 1 lungo from a Nespresso machine)
  • 80g butter, melted
  • 2 eggs
  • 250g plain flour
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 200g golden caster sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 25g desiccated coconut (bet you thought it was 2 s and 1 c too)
  • 100g white chocolate drops
  • Demerara sugar for dusting
Preheat your oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5 and arrange 12 muffin cases in a tin
Whisk all the wet ingredients with the eggs in a large bowl
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bigger one except 1/3 of the chocolate drops
Pour the wet into the dry and mix till there is no trace of flour, it should look wet and lumpy
Fill the paper cases to about 2/3 full, it will make twelve.  Sprinkle the reserved chocolate drops over the top followed by a generous dusting of Demerara sugar.  You may notice mine are naked because I didn't have any.
Bake until risen and crusty, mine took exactly 30 minutes
If any survive being eaten warm they will apparently keep well overnight covered loosely.

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