Wednesday 24 April 2013

Almond shortbread

Tonight we're entertaining our good friends Chris and Gary who are so hard to pin down that we're doing it midweek instead of at the weekend like we usually do.  The menu is going to be Peanut Butter Chicken Curry followed by Plum and Amaretto Semifreddo with almond shortbreads.  Here is a simple recipe that I used for the shortbread, it is very easy and the finished article just melts in your mouth, enjoy...

  • 125g/4oz butter, softened
  • 55g/2oz golden caster sugar
  • 150g/6oz plain flour
  • 50g/1oz ground almonds
  • almond essence
Cream the butter, sugar and essence together until pale and mousse like
Stir in the flour and almonds to achieve a smooth soft paste
Turn out onto a floured work surface and roll very gently to 1cm/ 1/2 inch thick
Cut into rounds or fingers and put onto a baking tray then chill for 20 minutes
After 10 minutes preheat your oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5
Bake in the oven till pale golden, mine took 13 minutes and one was a little singed.
This recipe made 11 x 2" round shortbreads.

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