Saturday 20 April 2013

Butterscotch cake

My next day neighbour has asked me to post more savoury recipes on here as her teenage son is getting into cookery and wants to be a chef.  Tomorrow I shall be attempting home made pizza for the first time but for today here is a really simple cake that takes minutes to make.  Leave out your butter overnight and let it get to room temperature and it will blend in minutes.  I'm not a fan of lining cake tins but this one requires it as you will discover if you don't!  This recipe was originally posted on by Jail Bird! in 2009 but the quantities given for the topping meant it was merely glazed so I have adjusted it so you get a decent thick butterscotch layer.  The sponge is very light and soft and it did occur to me that it would taste good with a drop of rum to flavour it.  Maybe next time....


  • 175g soft butter
  • 175g soft brown sugar
  • 175g self raising flour
  • 3 eggs, beaten
  • 1tsp baking powder
For the topping
  • 150g butter
  • 15 tbsp. soft brown sugar
  • large tin of evaporated milk

Preheat your oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4
Butter and line a 28 x 18 x 5cm tin (or similar, mine was 23 x 19cm)
Put all the cake ingredients into a bowl or food mixer and blend till well combined and smooth
Pour into the prepared tin and smooth the top
Bake for 30 minutes or until risen and golden, mine took 35 minutes.
Allow to cool in the tin.

Now the good bit.  Put all the topping ingredients into a pan and heat till the butter melts then boil for four minutes or until it thickens.  Pour over the cake and if you wish sprinkle it with nuts or fudge bits or something.  You will be glad you lined the tin when it comes to getting it out, enjoy.

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