Monday 22 April 2013

Salted caramel cheesecake

Salted caramel seems to be all the rage nowadays which is a little ironic after all the years of being told how bad salt is for our health.  So now we have salt reduced in all our food and even Marks and Spencer baguettes are becoming tasteless, I bet if they offered both the public would soon show them what we prefer.  This recipe was printed in You magazine in 2010 but I never got round to making it.  Dinner was at the in-laws on Saturday night and I was asked to make a dessert so I dug this one out.  Ironically the only person who didn't like it was my mother-in-law, huh, make your own next time!
I must admit although the flavour was delicious the texture of this cheesecake wasn't too my liking.  I'm not a big fan of desserts made with gelatine and prefer a cheesecake that clings to my teeth. 


  • 150g HobNobs or similar (I used the chocolate ones)
  • 50g butter
  • 6 gelatine leafs
  • 1/3 tsp sea salt
  • 400g cream cheese (2 tubs of Philadelphia did for me)
  • tin of Nestle Caramel
  • 1 tsp black treacle
  • 300ml double cream
Break up the biscuits of your choice and blitz them to crumbs in your food processor
Melt the butter in a small pan then add the crumbs and mix well
Press into the base of a loose bottomed cake tin at least 7cm deep to form the base and chill
Cut the gelatine into broad strips, place these in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave to soak for five minutes
Drain off the water and add another couple of tablespoons of clean water to cover them, add the salt and stand the bowl in a bigger one of boiling water then stir for a few minutes until the gelatine has dissolved.
Blend the cream cheese, caramel and treacle together in a large bowl using a wooden spoon till smooth, giving it a quick whisk if necessary.  I used a fork to make sure all the cream cheese blended.
Blend three tablespoons of the mixture, one at a time, with the gelatine solution then add this back to the cream cheese mix and combine thoroughly.
Whisk the cream to soft peaks and fold into the cheese mix in two halves
Pour over the base and smooth the top with a metal spoon
Cover with cling film and chill for several hours or overnight till set.
When ready to serve run a knife round the edge and release from the tin.
I grated some chocolate over the top but if you're really a salt fan then coarse ground sea salt with its large granules would look good too.
Blend the

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